Real People Real Testimonials

  • “We took this photo on my 90th day of being on the Balance Fit Nutrition Plan. I’ve lost 33 pounds, gone from a size 38 to a size 32 in the waist and from an extra large to a medium size shirt. I’ve been able to do this without taking any shots or diet pills, just eating healthy foods and exercising regularly. I cannot ever remember feeling so good and enjoying life so much. Thanks to my beautiful daughter Carlie for coaching and encouraging me to a healthier lifestyle.”

  • "10 days down I've never felt better. I can't believe I sat here and watched your business Come through my newsfeed for about two months before I finally contacted you, best choice I've made in a very long time, thank you so much!!!"

  • "I am down 8 pounds and my husband is down 17 pounds, this is amazing!!"

  • "Week three, and I've never felt better. Thank you so much for checking on me. I have never liked dieting in the past because I always feel like I'm starving, but this meal plan is the exact opposite of anything I've ever done!"

  • "I am down 4 pounds this week, and I can't believe it because that quesadilla last night was giant!"

  • "Ok Carlie, I was skeptical when I first read over the menu it looked like a lot, and I have to say I wasn't very confident while shopping. But as the two weeks have gone by, everything has changed. My clothes feel different, and I'm confident in the kitchen and with other things on the go. I'm never hungry, and I'm so grateful that I decided to join you. Investing in myself for the first time ever is one of the best choices I've made this year."

  • "28 pounds down!! Feel like a brand new woman!! Got a long ways to go but I feel absolutely so amazing!!!"

  • "Good job Carlie, her nutrition program is great i have been on it for over 3 weeks have lost 11lbs less inflammation in my joints and have not taken a Prevacid since starting program before had to take daily. Thanks Carlie oh yeah good job Dan lol"

  • "Wow, is all I have to say, I started this for myself, but somehow it is turned into my whole family is doing better, my kids enjoy it my husband enjoys it. We're all benefiting and I initially did it for me but what a blessing and my whole family is going to be healthier 😭"

  • "110/85!!!! And I haven't had my medicine in over a month because I ran out"

  • "Girl, I don't think I've ever had a week in my life where I have been able to eat this much food not feel like I'm dieting and then get on a scale and I have lost weight?? I don't know how this works and I don't how it's possible? But I am blown away!!!!!"